How To Pick the Right Tufted Rug Size

When it comes to rug tufting, the size of your custom tufted rug is just as important as the design and color. After all, it's the foundation of your room and sets the tone for the entire space. At Tutu Tufting, we offer a range of sizes to choose from, so you can make your own rug that's just the right fit for your home. Read on and connect with our Atlanta team today!


Measure Your Space

Before you begin tufting a rug, measure your room and determine the ideal rug size. Take into consideration furniture placement and traffic flow to ensure your rug fits the space perfectly.


Consider Room Function

Think about the function of the room where your tufted rug will be placed. In a dining room, a larger rug under the table is ideal to accommodate chairs, while a smaller rug in a foyer can be enough to define the space.


Play With Proportions

When selecting a rug size, consider the proportions of the room. A small rug in a large room can make the space feel disjointed, while a large rug in a small room can overwhelm it. Experiment with different sizes to find the right balance.


Enroll in Rug-Making Classes

If you're new to rug making, enrolling in rug-making classes or rug tufting classes can help you gain a better understanding of rug sizing and design. With the help of an expert, you'll have the knowledge to choose the right size rug for your home.

From measuring your room to considering your style, these tips will help ensure you make the right choice. And don't forget, with Tutu Tufting's wide range of sizes – 20” x 20”, 27” x 27”, 23” x 32”, and 40” x 40” – the possibilities for a custom tufted rug that fits both your needs and your décor are vast. So don't wait any longer, start tufting your dream rug today and step into a space that truly reflects who you are. Visit Tutu Tufting now and let your creativity roam free! Get in touch with us today to start creating your own rug!

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